KMWE students through to 'Vakkanjer' project finals

Smart urban water challenge – promoting technology for students

Students from Eindhoven’s Brainport Industries College  (three of whom are from KMWE) will take part in the grand final of the Vakkanjer Challenge 2018 on June 14th in the Werkspoorkathedraal in Utrecht.

During the event Vakkanjers LIVE, VMBO and MBO students from all over the Netherlands will present their flood prevention solutions to the Union of Water Authorities. For the occasion, the Werkspoorskathedraal will be transformed into a large technology arena, in which some 1,400 students from primary and secondary education can discover the world of technology.

We wish you good luck!

  • Mitch Habraken (KMWE)
  • Sam van den Hoven (KMWE)
  • Steve van Hout (KMWE)
  • Bart Nelemans (VHE)